Download AI Turbo News Grabber Plugin Below:

After You Download The Plugin:

Remember that this is an addon for AI TurboGrabber WP Edition.

So first you need to install AI TurboGrabber WP Edition on your website.

If you haven't download it, please access it thru your WarriorPlus Purchase Receipt here. Locate your AI TurboGrabber Bundle purchase, then click the 'Access Your Purchase' button.

After that you can find the AI TurboGrabber WP Edition on that access page like this:

Image - Screenshot

The final step is to install BOTH the AI TurboGrabber WP Edition and the AI TurboNewsGrabber plugin to your website and activate both of them too.

Once they are active on your website, visit AI TurboGrabber menu from your WP Admin Dashboard:

Image - Screenshot

I have included Video User Guide on that setting page:

Image - Screenshot

This is an early version of AI TurboGrabber so if you found any problems do let me know.

I implement 1-click automatic update to both of these plugins - therefore if I patched any bugs or add new features, you can quickly and easily update the plugins from your WP Admin Dashboard.

You got the best price ever and unlimited access..

.. Means that if you see AI TurboGrabber finally launched publicly on WarriorPlus later, you don't have to purchase it again :o)

Thanks and enjoy!

Leonardus (